Sunday, March 21, 2010

The New Dating Game

When walking on campus, have you ever seen a really fantastic girl with a somewhat ordinary guy? Or have you ever had to convince your roommate that she shouldn’t take back her scummy, cheating boyfriend… again? Or have you ever gotten yourself all dolled up—with perfect makeup, blown-out hair and 4-inch heels—only to sip margaritas with your girlfriends?
Welcome to the world of college dating in 2010.

A recent study by the American Council on Education shows that women have made up about 57 percent of U.S. college enrollments since 2000. Researchers attribute this to females’ generally higher grades and lower dropout rates, as well as higher female enrollment among older students, low-income students and black and Hispanic students.
This imbalance surely bodes well for female empowerment, but what does it do to the dating world? Not that women are only interested in an “MRS Degree,” but many would agree that the “friend with benefits” living on your floor hardly counts as true love.
The fact is, on campuses with far more women than men, the men set the rules of sexual and romantic relationships. And the worst part is, we let them! We agree to more casual hookups (that rarely lead to serious relationships) and we often feel pressured to move faster with guys to ensure they don’t move on to another girl who’s more “willing.”
It seems to me that we’re being victimized by men for having outperformed them, but come on, ladies, we’re better than that!
We shouldn’t lower our standards or expectations for their lack in meeting them, and we should never belittle ourselves. He should have to earn your attention, not be entitled to it.
Remember that before giving out your number so quickly.

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