Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Ellie Time!!

Keep out the red carpet and hold back the paparazzi 'cause the award shows aren’t over yet! Just as the Oscars award excellence in film, ASME, the American Society of Magazine Editors recognizes the best magazine publications of the year in a less-televised, but equally prestigious ceremony.

While the National Magazine Awards have celebrated the best magazine journalism in the United States for nearly half a century, this year, the society will be shaking things up with a new award series that’s unprecedented in the industry. The National Magazine Awards for Digital Media—nicknamed “The Digital Ellies,” for the stabile “elephant” that’s given to each winner—will certainly bring on a whole new respect for online journalism.

Twelve digital awards, ranging from conventional Reporting and Photography to Blogging and Mobile Media, and even Interactive Tools, Podcasting and Video Posts, will acknowledge the outstanding work that appears on magazine-branded digital platforms.

Of the 118 magazine websites and online-only magazines, only 37 received nominations—among the forerunners: National Geographic, New York Magazine, The Atlantic and Sports Illustrated. Also, The Daily Beast and Epicurious were among the online-only ‘zines that received nominations, which is very exciting for the rising credibility of online journalism and digital publications, as well as the thousands of journalism students that are terrified about employment after graduation!!

This celebration will take place on March 18th in New York City. Can’t wait to see who wins! 

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