Friday, March 12, 2010

Ms. New Booty

Next time you’re tempted to ask the unfavorable, “Does my butt look big?” be ready to jump for joy if your smart-ass friends say “Yes.”

According to new research, some extra padding on your hips, tush and thighs may actually provide healthy benefits—contrary to the ever-impossible standards of beauty that the American media projects.

The British study suggests that fat around the thighs and backside protects against heart and metabolism problems and that hip fat absorbs harmful fatty acids and also contains an anti-inflammatory agent that keeps arteries from clogging. Belly fat, though, is not so kind.

Simply put, “The fat around our thighs and hips is different to the fat around tummies.” explained lead researcher, Dr. Konstantinos Manolopoulos. “The cells in lower body fat work differently from the cells in upper body fat, so celebrities like J-Lo can be said to be better role models for women's health than supermodels with much less lower body fat.”

He further explains that ideally, the more fat around your thighs the better… as long as your tummy stays slim. Unfortunately though, few people tend to get one without the other.

So, while this study isn’t suggesting we all sprint to the closest Ben and Jerry’s, it is definitely a steppingstone in the long journey toward healthy body image—not only portrayed by the media and on the runways, but also personally accepted by women of all shapes and sizes. 

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