Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to Jump-Start Your Self Confidence

In our heavily image-based society, self-confidence seems hard to come by—especially when the media and most consumer products look to profit from our insecurities. But we all deserve to be happy in our own skin and confident in ourselves. Here are some tried and true tips to quickly pick up your self esteem and work towards a happier, more confident you!

1. Focus on taking care of yourself — You’ll be amazed at how empowered you feel when you make yourself a priority! Take control of eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising and doing things for yourself (whether that’s taking a bath or getting a manicure or just allowing yourself to say no to plans so you can stay in and read a good book)! You’ll feel in control of your life and your decisions, which will help you develop confidence in yourself by knowing what’s best for you.
2. Assess your circle of friends — Stop spending time with people that don’t encourage positive thinking or positive actions. When you decide not to hang out with gossipy friends or choose to not date a guy who doesn’t call you back or show up on time, you make the conscious decision to stop wasting your time and energy on negative people, and you start making better friends and meeting better guys. The company you keep directly influences your attitude, so why not keep company with people who are confident and happy themselves?
3. Remember how awesome you are — Make a list of things you like about yourself and write them everywhere you can: on your binders, your mirror, as your phone background. Constantly reminding yourself of these positive statements will help you focus on your strengths, and give you the confidence to tackle your weaknesses. 
If you’re having a hard time coming up with your list, ask three people that you love and respect to write down (in their handwriting) what that they admire or cherish about you. That way, even if you're having a hard time believing in yourself, you know you have the support and love of others.
4. Dress the part — Try a new outfit or hairdo. This will visually remind you of your new and confident outlook every time you see yourself in the mirror or whenever someone compliments your new look. Also, my personal favorite is to wear your cutest underwear. Even if no one will see them, just having a sexy secret will give you a reason to smile to yourself during the day, and give you that little boost of confidence everyone will be admiring!

1 comment:

  1. Great advice. Thanks for reminding me that I'm wonderful!!! And so are you. :)
