Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is it best to go back to your first love? My thoughts at the end of junior year

There’s one week left of the semester, but boy has this semester changed my plans.

I’ve always had a solid vision of where I was going. At six or seven, I knew I wanted to be a lawyer. One day, I would investigate the biggest scandals and cross-examine the highest-profile suspects, and then, with some brilliant closing statement, I’d win my big-time cases and bring justice to the world, time and time again, just like in the movies.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to Jump-Start Your Self Confidence

In our heavily image-based society, self-confidence seems hard to come by—especially when the media and most consumer products look to profit from our insecurities. But we all deserve to be happy in our own skin and confident in ourselves. Here are some tried and true tips to quickly pick up your self esteem and work towards a happier, more confident you!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Tastiest (and Healthiest) Dessert Yet!

With the weather heating up and the stress of finals on our hands, what could be better than guilt-free, delicious, healthy, frozen snacks. The best part is you can easily make them yourself—all you need is a freezer and some fresh seasonal fruit.
That’s right! You’d be amazed at how delicious frozen fruit is! It makes for an awesome snack when you’re up late cramming, or munching in front of the T.V. It also makes for awesome (and colorful) mid-summer party platters or for a slumber party with the girls.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Online Relationship: Why do we do it??

I doubt you’re a stranger to the long-distance, not-really-official, mostly-conducted-online relationship. In fact, you may be involved in one now.

Well my girlfriends and I certainly are, and last week over sushi, I came to an epiphany as we tried to comfort one another with “mine-is-worse” stories.

Basically, we all had met amazing guys—guys we would be “officially” with right now… if only we were in the same location! We had met them while studying abroad, on a spring break in Florida, or at a party last month when he was visiting from Phoenix. Basically, we all felt we had met someone with whom we shared something really special, but the damn distance was keeping us apart.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Expose of Media Airbrushing

I absolutely loved this Newsweek expose of the unattainable beauty standards set by airbrushing in the media!! check out the full article and photos at

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tribute Center Sheds Light for Post-9/11 New Yorkers

It’s the firsthand accounts that pull at my heartstrings. It was the firsthand accounts at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem’s spectacular Holocaust memorial, and it was the firsthand accounts at Ground Zero. In fact, sixteen firsthand accounts played from my audio set, into my ears, through my brain and sat like a lump of coal in my chest, as I stood immersed in the dreadful morning and the subsequent months of September 11, 2001.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

When does vegetarianism become a disorder?

Last summer, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) launched a billboard campaign that read, “Save the Whales. Lose the Blubber. Go Vegetarian.” It roused a great deal of controversy nationwide and was eventually pulled, but the concept itself hasn’t disappeared.
Although many women adapt vegetarian lifestyles to be healthier or to save animals and the environment, research suggests that some may honestly be more interested in losing weight.